
Do you want to be part of the solution to one of the defining environmental and 社会 problems of our lifetime? UNE’s Climate Change Studies minor is an interdisciplinary course of study, drawing on expert knowledge of faculty throughout the 文理学院 to explore climate change from a diversity of perspectives impossible to find within most single programs. 通过研究科学, 社会, 政治, 心理, 以及道德层面的问题, you will acquire a marketable understanding of how climate change relates to business models, 公共政策, 经济体, 生计, 保护, and human health and happiness that will serve you well in a vast number of careers. 


A 海事专业 currently interning in the Maine Governor's Office of Policy Innovation and the Future, Kiara分析气候变化数据, helping her colleagues meet the state’s most urgent challenges.


One of only two formal climate change minors in the Northeast, 这个辅修真的很独特, serving as the perfect complement to virtually any major and enhancing career prospects in a wide variety of fields. 

  • Interdisciplinary, drawing from eight different areas of study 
  • 灵活,只有三门基础课程 
  • 注重实践学习, including opportunities to participate in 政治 action, 教育的努力, 等. 
  • Composed of a cohesive community of students and faculty bound by a shared interest 
  • Provides eligibility to apply for the Kinsman Trust Scholarship for Climate Change Studies (1-3 UNE Climate Change Studies minors receive $1,000 to $5,每年000)

UNE’s climate change minor has helped me understand what needs to be done on local and inter国家 levels to mitigate the effects of our climate crisis. Experience from my climate classes has helped me gain an internship working under Governor Janet Mills as her climate and energy intern.” — Kiara Frischkorn ’22, 海事专业/Climate Change Studies minor 



Solving an issue like climate change requires real-life, 实践工作, and we strive to prepare you for that — from classroom activities and research projects to internships and special out-of-class activities.


  • Developing a vulnerability analysis for the UNE campus
  • 设计全电动车队的新能源汽车
  • 实地考察旅行


  • 海洋变暖中的入侵物种
  • Implications of sea level rise for New England salt marshes
  • 气候引起的草原鸟类迁徙变化


  • Maine Governor’s Office of Policy Innovation and the Future
  • 比德福德市气候工作组
  • 缅因州保护选民
  • 华盛顿实习学院.C)


  • 参加会议
  • 创建全校范围的气候主题活动
  • 参与气候示威
  • 与州长的工作人员开会讨论预算问题


In addition to three foundational courses, you will select three elective courses. Below are just some of the classes from which you may choose:

  • 气候变化、海洋和法律
  • 气候变化适应:规划与政策
  • 环境经济学
  • 缅因湾野外研究
  • 气候变化与自然保育
  • 全球变化生物学


A student may minor in Climate Change Studies with the approval of the academic directory. 完成这门辅修课程, students are expected to successfully complete the following course of study:

ENV 208 – Climate Change: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions3
能源与气候变化 or 气候变化的物理基础3–4
SOC 227 -气候变化与社会3
ENV 250 – Environmental Policy in Comparative Perspective3
ENV 362 – 气候变化适应:规划与政策3
maf300 -气候变化,海洋和法律3
MAR 316 -科学与社会3
PSC 201 -国际关系概论3
PSC 306 -环境政治3
生物235/235L -冬季自然史带实验室4
BIO 413 -全球变化生态学3
BIO 422/422L -珊瑚礁带实验室4
ENV 318/318L – Advanced Field Methods in Avian Ecology and Conservation w/Lab4
ENV 328 – Environmental Pollution: Ecosystems, Wildlife, and Human 健康3
maf200 -海洋污染概论3
MAR 270/270L -海洋学带实验室4
MAR 368 – Advanced 海洋学 II: Physical and Chemical 海洋学3
MAR 436/436L -冰岛自然史,带实验室4
MAR 460 – The Scientific Basis for 全球 Climate Change3
mar464 -极地生物学3
Select One (1) Social 科学s and Humanities Elective**学分
BUEC 390 -环境经济学3
BUEC 395 -生态经济学3
ENV 321 – Environmental Communication: Expert Practices for Environmental Management3
ENV 328 – Environmental Pollution: Ecosystems, Wildlife, and Human 健康3
ENV 340 – Environmental Movements and Social Change3
ENV 344 -环境伦理3
PHI 202 -科学技术伦理3
PHI 330 -环境哲学3
SOC 210 -流离失所的文化和社会3
SOC 226 -环境社会学3
SOC 265 -社会问题/问题全球世界3
SOC 320 -社区组织3
SOC 377 -国际发展3

*Course Designators vary by major and include but are not limited to ENV 295/495, 小组300/400, PSC 411, SOC 300/400, SPT 395.

**Internship Opportunities (Optional): 实习 may substitute for one (1) of the above elective courses, subject to advisor and internship coordinator approval. The internship must deal explicitly with some aspect of climate change science, 缓解, 或适应.

要了解更多,请参阅 学术目录.

A student in a field for hands-on Bobolink bird research


Employers are increasingly interested in hiring those with an understanding of climate change for positions within fields ranging from business, 经济学, 从健康专业到海洋科学, 环境咨询, 政治生态. A Climate Change Studies minor complements many different majors at UNE and prepares you for a wider breadth of career possibilities than your major alone.

Having a background in climate change studies will benefit a multitude of careers, including:

  • 政策分析
  • 公共卫生研究员
  • 可持续发展署署长(政府、商界)
  • 可再生能源技术员
  • 野生动物学家
  • 环保律师
  • 公共卫生署长
  • 城市或城市规划师
  • 景观设计师
  • 农业推广代理人
  • 中学教师
  • 土地管理
  • 理财规划师
  • 业务/保险专业
将气候变化辅修与UNE专业结对 在…领域的职业生涯
  • 海洋科学
  • 水产养殖,水族馆科学和水产共生
  • 海洋生物学
  • 海洋学
  • 水产养殖
  • 应用数学
  • 数据科学
  • 风险分析
  • 工商管理
  • 可持续发展与商业
  • 海洋创业
  • 创业
  • 绿色经济
  • 可持续性
  • 经济学
  • 海洋事务
  • 碳市场
  • 排放权交易
  • 公共政策
  • 政治科学
  • 海洋事务
  • 公共政策
  • 气候缓解/弹性
  • 公营部门(立法机关)
  • 社会工作
  • 公共政策
  • 气候正义
  • 公共卫生
  • 公共卫生研究
  • 公共卫生管理局
  • 艺术与设计媒体
  • 通信
  • 气候变化通讯
  • 基于社区的社会营销
  • 环境科学
  • 环境研究
  • 野生动物生物学
  • 土地管理
  • 教育



气候分析师职位 预计在未来10年内


国家 工资中位数 for environmental scientists and related specialists

U.S. 美国劳工统计局,2021年



联系 本科招生 at (800) 477-4863 or 电子邮件admissions@sdkfzj.com. You can also stop by our office on the Biddeford Campus Monday–Friday from 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m.